Another western analyst with fake news. This individual is not a Marxist - he is a democratic socialist just like Bernie sanders . Marxism has ended long time ago but this song is continuously replayed by the west . Socialism is tied up to religion. Give Sri Lanka a chance .

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India is a rising global power in terms of demographics. As a nation state it is beginning to hit its stride in economic growth and socioeconomic evolution akin to boomtime China in the 2000s and first half of 2010s.

But Modi and the BJP brand of Hindu ethnonationalism's power is waning. As is the notion of Hindu/Indian ethnonationalism being the primary political driving force in South Asia. How India navigates the regional political environment ahead will in my opinion need to be along lines of class and not race. This is reflected in the surprising early shoots of political resurrection the INC is enjoying under Rahul Gandhi following the results of the last general election.

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The Chinese are not Marxists. They are Maoists, they are Chinese. They have their own history, political and philosophical values. They did not come into existence through a Western birth which is what most Western ideas of the east is predicated on.

Big difference. More importantly, Dissanayake is aware of how China tried to strangle Sri Lanka recently economically by seducing the corrupted family dynasty that ruled the country till the economic collapse.

There remains the overlay of the Chinese debts of over $2,000,000,000 which Sri Lanka is unable to unburden itself of. It is unabl to repay that debt. Sri Lanka's economic situation us still being underwritten by India. Whatever India's real reasons for its generosity, it is still a reality for Sri Lanka.

Asia Sentinal, another Regime Change NED funded piece western propaganda gives itself away everytime it relies on the cliches from an era gone by to describe situations it can't understand even though it has had a persence and influencce in these parts for centuries.

India's revival as a Hindu (not religion) entity is not something that can be measured through "democratic" polls.

Congress and its revival in India for instance (mentioned by one of your writers on this page) is not what he thinks it is. Congress is like the burp you have after a meal. It shows up every so often in all its glory like the flicker of a dying candle. Bright, menacing, hot and deceptive. But at the end of the day it is still a dying candle. So too are Western sentiments and analysis of what goes on in the East.

Rudyard Kipling undrestood it best: The East is East, the West is West and never the twain (as opposed to Mark) shall meet.

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