They're just so afraid of their own shadows...smoke screen everything. Now at last someone has pulled the screen off so that the public can see these self righteous ministers being exposed to their own doings..ie Ridout saga.

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They're just so afraid of their own shadows...smoke screen everything. Now at last someone has pulled the screen off so that the public can see these self righteous ministers being exposed to their own doings..ie Ridout saga.

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Finally a foreign media unwilling to stoop so low to a nepotism state that is ruled by draconian dictatorahip.. They can block Asia Sentinel but forgot there is VPN.

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Nothing surprises me.

I was said to have acted with malice when I stood up and told my truth, after a financial incentive had been offered which would cover up allegations of fraud which implicated a well-connected Singapore elite. I have nothing to hide.


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I’m using SurfShark and it’s all fine and dandy.

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Hmm I wonder, what if you had shared the substack page (domain) instead of your own domain? IMDA won’t be able to block substack eh? Since they’re also used for a ton of other publications.

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The Singapore elite are showing their weakness and fear... Good! :-)

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From Singapore to support you!

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Q: What right do British and American journalists have to impose their world view on Asia? A: None whatsover because they are the entitled elephant in the room, with the absolute worst history of genocide, race murder and barbarism for the last 400 years. Clean up your own backyard first.

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The response above is expected. When the argument fails, o e can rest assured that once-colonised Asians will invoke the old and tired cliche of western imperialism re-imposing itself on their one-time colonies. Yet they are happy to trade with their old imperialists, welcome their capital investments, their tourists, or travel to the West for holidays, education or migration, and procure their territorial sovereignty with reliance on the West’s nuclear security umbrella, among other convenient arrangements. It never fails to surprise me how responses that herald a seemingly twisted and hypocritical set of Asian Values, historically or otherwise, only serve to further undermine or condemn the wildly espoused Asian Values. Nice try but it just won’t wash.

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with VPN, banning of website is just a symbolic move without any real effect

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I'm from Singapore. I cannot access your website. Funnily enough, I can access it via substack. Jokes on the PAP

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This is not a novel move by the Singapore one-party dictatorship run by the family dynasty of the late Lee Kuan Yew. John MvVey (below) has pointed -- correctly -- when the Singapore one-party dictatorship attempted to shut down the Far Eastern Economic Review and cajole The Wall Street Journal through its pliant judiciary that is barely independent of the state. There have been many other such incidents that clearly demonstrate that the Singapore dictatorship can not -- and will not -- handle the truth of facts but, rather like China, seek to twist truth and facts. This one-party dictatorship has also subjugated, or attempted to subjugate, foreign nationals working as academics in Singapore's so-called universities, research centers and unthinking think-tanks, all of which are conduits of the Singapore state's propaganda machinery. It's all very unsurprisingly Orwellian. That the Singapore dictatorship of Lee Hisien Loong is now demanding, like a spoilt child, that the Asian Sentinel retract the truth or face no access to the website by its Singapore readership, is a bald-face attempt by the Lee regime to maintain its record of being a political bully and purveyor of spin and canard. I suppose this meets the prerequisites of the Asian Values baloney that still gets spun around Asian traps.

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Well if they are one thing that is consistent and predictable…

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is this a so-called "own goal" situation? whew.

once again, thinking back to FEER days.

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The SG government does not care if it's an "own goal" situation.

In their minds, even an "own goal" situation as perceived by outsiders can be spun by them as their way of demonstrating "Singaporean Exceptionalism" and furthering their siege narrative domestically of warning about foreign interference in local politics. Literally pulling the "they hate us 'cos they ain't us" card. And secure in the knowledge that they can get away with this domestically because any political or civic opposition left has been so fundamentally neutered, and they can get away with it internationally because which country in the world is going to pass up doing business with/through Singapore as an APAC financial and trade hub simply because they disagree/disapprove of its authoritarianism and suppression of dissent?

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