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Bangladesh is in turmoil because it is in the nature of Bengalis (Muslim or Hindu) to be quarrelsome and divisive. Yunus has been on a dog chain since the Americans at Harvard cultivatd the vain Bengali and nurtured him in a group the Russians called the Gvardnkis. A group of eminent scholars who went round the former Soviet Union plundering its wealth for pennies till Putin of the Vladmir variety came along and flushed them out one by one.

Yunus did not pioneer the Gramin bank financing system for the poor. The late murdered first finance minister of Bangladesh Dr. Kibria did. He was an eminent economist and a statesmen. People like the late Kibria was not what the US (who supported Pakistan) wanted to see emerge in that region. And neither did China. Each had their own objectives for the newly created state out of the remains of Pakistan in 1971.

That having been said, Yunus will be pushed out by the restive Bangladeshi army thats deeply divided and indisciplined; But not before the Islamic radical youth that have been building in Bangladesh nurtured by China and Pakistan execute their own objectives of turning Bangladesh into a militant Islamic state.

Somehow the US never learns. They believe that by creating Islamic radicals in places that will likely hurt their enemies, they will secure their interests there in the long term. Just as they did Pakistan, the Taleban, ISIS and several other such rogue outfits the world over such a strategy is conceptually flawed and doomed to failure.

Former US secretary of state, Hillary Clinton summed this problem up quite succinctly when she addressed the Pakistanis over the Taleban (who they supported then) and other anti Indian terror groups they control in Kashmir, : "you can't keep snakes in your backyard and expect they will only bite your neighbours. Someday they will turn on you and bite you" (paraphrase).

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