Who in their right minds would want the US as an ally or even just friend these days when the "Great Eunuch" stands by idly ass China grows greater in strength by the day. The US is a sabre rattler and shudders at the sight of confronting the yellow man ever again post Vietnam

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It would be much more accurate to say "the USA under a Democrat president shudders at the sight of confronting the yellow man..."

Unfortunately, demographic trends suggest this weakness will continue indefinitely.

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Indonesia should stop being a coward and stand shoulder-to-shoulder with The Philippines, lest it become the next target of the bully..

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It should, but it won't. ASEAN members states never support one another. In fact, the association is pointless.

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Indonesia only fights innocent unarmed people like the East Timorese, the Papuans and other dissidents within. It is a pro western Chinaman's dream to exploit whilst the army provides them with protection to plunder.

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“Manila has been consistently publicizing every South China Sea incident across the world through video clips to gain sympathy and damage China’s image.”

Showing what is actually happening somehow puts Manila in the wrong?

Get China’s cock out of your mouth

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And why not?

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