Good article, though I wonder if the angle was considered that contrary to falling oil demand from China impacting on global crude prices, could it be that China's simply shifted more of its oil demand off the open market so to speak because they're buying directly from Iran and Russia "off the books" now bypassing international sanctions in the process?
I thought net oil demand in China was declining due to their EV revolution, replacing their energy with coal and nuclear plants. I obviously haven't been following this story.
It surprised me to see rate of overall consumption is continuing to rise. Do you think that this could be due in part to a larger need for refined petroleum products (other than fuel)?
Good article, though I wonder if the angle was considered that contrary to falling oil demand from China impacting on global crude prices, could it be that China's simply shifted more of its oil demand off the open market so to speak because they're buying directly from Iran and Russia "off the books" now bypassing international sanctions in the process?
I thought net oil demand in China was declining due to their EV revolution, replacing their energy with coal and nuclear plants. I obviously haven't been following this story.
It surprised me to see rate of overall consumption is continuing to rise. Do you think that this could be due in part to a larger need for refined petroleum products (other than fuel)?