A horrifically biased and one-sided article. I'd take what is written here more seriously if it bothered to say anything at all about Han ethnonationalism which is increasingly the only propaganda line pushed by the CCP domestically and internationally, and the fact that Michael Vatikiotis is not Han Chinese means unless he proves otherwise I'm going to outright assume he knows nothing about the equally insular and nativist cultural and historical memory of the Han Chinese in China. (EDIT: So apparently he's been around in Asia since 1987 according to Wikipedia. I'll change my assumption: Michael doesn't know nothing about the insular and nativist cultural and historical memory of the Han Chinese in China, but worse than that his is a romanticised version that existed prior to 1989 Tiananmen Square and of a wishful thinking "angels of our nature" kind seen most commonly amongst American Wall Street execs who only see China through dollar signs.)
Seriously. It is not the West nor the US that has lost curiosity or interest in Asian or Chinese culture, as much as it is the other way around. And fancy trying to make a ham-fisted point about the US being racist against Chinese by restricting/banning Chinese students from travelling to/studying in the US, when there are multiple news articles about how the CCP is not only openly and unilaterally attempting to label everyone who's Han Chinese no matter if they're PRC nationals as CCP potential Fifth Columnists, but has in the past hired Chinese-Americans (some of whom served in the US military too) to spy on their behalf. If there's any trust being broken here, it's China doing it. If there's any offence being taken here, it's China taking it (fancy throwing a hissy fit and saying you won't be in the same room as someone you dislike from somewhere you don't recognise as being independent despite calling yourself the Middle Kingdom bigger than anybody else with 5000 years of culture; was magnanimity and harmony not taught as part of said culture?).
This article is excellent proof that once again, it takes a Chinese to *truly* know a Chinese.
A horrifically biased and one-sided article. I'd take what is written here more seriously if it bothered to say anything at all about Han ethnonationalism which is increasingly the only propaganda line pushed by the CCP domestically and internationally, and the fact that Michael Vatikiotis is not Han Chinese means unless he proves otherwise I'm going to outright assume he knows nothing about the equally insular and nativist cultural and historical memory of the Han Chinese in China. (EDIT: So apparently he's been around in Asia since 1987 according to Wikipedia. I'll change my assumption: Michael doesn't know nothing about the insular and nativist cultural and historical memory of the Han Chinese in China, but worse than that his is a romanticised version that existed prior to 1989 Tiananmen Square and of a wishful thinking "angels of our nature" kind seen most commonly amongst American Wall Street execs who only see China through dollar signs.)
Seriously. It is not the West nor the US that has lost curiosity or interest in Asian or Chinese culture, as much as it is the other way around. And fancy trying to make a ham-fisted point about the US being racist against Chinese by restricting/banning Chinese students from travelling to/studying in the US, when there are multiple news articles about how the CCP is not only openly and unilaterally attempting to label everyone who's Han Chinese no matter if they're PRC nationals as CCP potential Fifth Columnists, but has in the past hired Chinese-Americans (some of whom served in the US military too) to spy on their behalf. If there's any trust being broken here, it's China doing it. If there's any offence being taken here, it's China taking it (fancy throwing a hissy fit and saying you won't be in the same room as someone you dislike from somewhere you don't recognise as being independent despite calling yourself the Middle Kingdom bigger than anybody else with 5000 years of culture; was magnanimity and harmony not taught as part of said culture?).
This article is excellent proof that once again, it takes a Chinese to *truly* know a Chinese.
Agree with a lot of what you said; the last sentence is just personally biased, contentious bullshit though.