Modi is a great strategist and an equally great negotiator. In 1967 Harold Wilson, Britain's then prime minister facing an election was asked by a reporter how many votes he needed to beat the other side: "Just one vote more than them" was his response.

Whether the BJP secored one vote or seat more than a fragmented opposition in a fractious Indian nation is not relevant. His record for law and order, national defence and most important of all a giant economy and social development alleviating poverty is unparalleled in Indian politics.

So the celebrations over the lower majority is really nothing for the myriad of opposition groups in the INDIA coalition. Their purpose was to win but they have no universal plan for India's future. Their coalition was a late strategy without policies that reflected their 'unity'.

Modi has an impressive track record acknowledged even by his nearest adversary the Chinese.

The presence of the Nehru siblings and their mother and 'chum chas' (cronies) in that opposition coalition does not bode well for the opposition. Theirs in Congress is the politics of poverty, corruption, graft at an industrial level and incompetence.

As the opposition fall apart in the months to come a stronger more wily Modi and his cabinet will emerge.

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Arse licking Hindutva troll always first to congratulate the clown Modi 🤡🤣 The Leader who has the most followers still defecating openly because they don't have toilets. Truly, a country to be proud of! 💩

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