The opening paragraph most aptly describes the Taliban and Taliban's broken and murderous rule of Afghanistan. It is nothing more than the great traitor to the people of Afghanistan. Its satanic rule is made of its Islamo-fascist ideology and teachings, equal to or worse than Stalinism and/or Maoism. There was a time when theocratic Iran, run by its mad and corrupt and equally murderous and bloodyminded mullahs, would call the United States (and generally most of the West) The Great Satan. But as the author and essayist Salman Rushdie so profoundly penned his novel, Satanic Verses, one can't help but read between the lines of the books contents to delineate just how accurate he was of Islamic theocracy who turned Islamic teachings, proffered by their 'allah' -- as if! -- into their thirst for plunder, rape and wanton killings of their own people or those who dare defy not just them but who profess some form of 'liberalism' and defy Islamic fascism. Christopher Hitchens's book, God is not Great, is a wonderful, germane, accurate riposte to not just those who peddle Islamic fascism through the barrel of the gun, or indeed even against Hinduism and Christianity -- any organized religion, to be sure -- as barbaric as they tramples over the rights of the people and infuse them with false promises and false ideologies. You only have to look at Pakistan having become a basket-case of Islamo-fascism in political, economic and social terms. The next two, I hazard to guess, will be Indonesia and Malaysia.
I found the paragraph of the Deobandi school of thought fascinating as the source of the Taliban's ideological fascism. I'd be circumspect, however, on Saudi Arabia's claim toward "modernizing" the so-called kingdom. My circumspection is based on the notoriety of the so-called prince, Salman, who is capable of wearing two heads on his body and speaking with two tongues. The example of extending women's rights in Saudi Arabia will not go as far as its economic development. But when you are a despot like Salman, sitting on the throne of one of the world's biggest oil reserves. Russia has the world's biggest reserves of oil and gas, and other fundamental resources that the world needs for economic growth and development. Whichexplains the immoral and racist Narendra Modi's spineless absent-condemnation of Vladimir Putin's neo-colonialist/false nationalistic invasion of Ukraine. And not even the U.S. would blink or protest if Saudi women's rights remain more or less circumscribed as it has barked about the rights of women in Iran. That's how two-faced the United States is, and in particular its policymakers, including secretary of state Blinken, who has yet to blink over Israel's ethnogenocide of Palestinian people (though I could not care less if Hamas and Hizbollah are deservedly massacred by Israel).
The opening paragraph most aptly describes the Taliban and Taliban's broken and murderous rule of Afghanistan. It is nothing more than the great traitor to the people of Afghanistan. Its satanic rule is made of its Islamo-fascist ideology and teachings, equal to or worse than Stalinism and/or Maoism. There was a time when theocratic Iran, run by its mad and corrupt and equally murderous and bloodyminded mullahs, would call the United States (and generally most of the West) The Great Satan. But as the author and essayist Salman Rushdie so profoundly penned his novel, Satanic Verses, one can't help but read between the lines of the books contents to delineate just how accurate he was of Islamic theocracy who turned Islamic teachings, proffered by their 'allah' -- as if! -- into their thirst for plunder, rape and wanton killings of their own people or those who dare defy not just them but who profess some form of 'liberalism' and defy Islamic fascism. Christopher Hitchens's book, God is not Great, is a wonderful, germane, accurate riposte to not just those who peddle Islamic fascism through the barrel of the gun, or indeed even against Hinduism and Christianity -- any organized religion, to be sure -- as barbaric as they tramples over the rights of the people and infuse them with false promises and false ideologies. You only have to look at Pakistan having become a basket-case of Islamo-fascism in political, economic and social terms. The next two, I hazard to guess, will be Indonesia and Malaysia.
I found the paragraph of the Deobandi school of thought fascinating as the source of the Taliban's ideological fascism. I'd be circumspect, however, on Saudi Arabia's claim toward "modernizing" the so-called kingdom. My circumspection is based on the notoriety of the so-called prince, Salman, who is capable of wearing two heads on his body and speaking with two tongues. The example of extending women's rights in Saudi Arabia will not go as far as its economic development. But when you are a despot like Salman, sitting on the throne of one of the world's biggest oil reserves. Russia has the world's biggest reserves of oil and gas, and other fundamental resources that the world needs for economic growth and development. Whichexplains the immoral and racist Narendra Modi's spineless absent-condemnation of Vladimir Putin's neo-colonialist/false nationalistic invasion of Ukraine. And not even the U.S. would blink or protest if Saudi women's rights remain more or less circumscribed as it has barked about the rights of women in Iran. That's how two-faced the United States is, and in particular its policymakers, including secretary of state Blinken, who has yet to blink over Israel's ethnogenocide of Palestinian people (though I could not care less if Hamas and Hizbollah are deservedly massacred by Israel).
The madness of religion never ceases to amaze and appal...