Have you considered why the U.S. voters brought Trump to power? Could it be that the benefits of the American empire were not distributed evenly? Could it be that the effects of globalisation on the working class since the 90s have been largely negative? Not an exclusive list, of course. Michael Moore said it best in 2016. Trump is the human grenade against a system that has failed them.
Thanks, Mr. Bowring. There has been quite a bit of commentary lately on the of empire theses -- of US exceptionalism, of Pax Americana, of the US empire, of US decline. All fascinating, but all too early to postulate, I think. We'r yet to see if, as commenter (below) Pleiades says, a "restructuring of power". Not power in the narrow institutionalist sense but the raw power of US militarism. Because throughout its history, the US has been the crudest militarist state in the world since the Roman empire. The American empire thrived throughout the Cold War, emboldened by the rise then collapse of the old Soviet empire, and now the rise of Stalinist Putin-ism, and, though not quite emboldened -- more lost and confused than emboldened -- in what some have called the New Cold War vis-a-vis the rise of what I call yet another crude one-party militarist state in China. This is key: different actors, different reactions, if you have not noticed, from the weak Obama regime to Trump MK I, Joe Biden Jr and again Trump MK II.
If what we are witnessing now in the first two heady weeks of Trumpism MK II is any kind of restructuring of US militarist state power, I am lost. I just can't see it. And whilst I welcome the end of empire theses (because I hate empire-making with the same vehemence as I hate monarchies and organized religions as empire-making), I see in the US the rise and rise of what I prefer to call American thuggism or gangsterism nurtured by Trump; the wholly financially and morally bankrupt Trump family; the nutjobs of American tech businesses who lined up as Trump's shameless sycophants, who are in it for the money and state protection against their international competitors, viz. China; and possibly the most dangerous man in America -- the idiotic, narcissistic, grovelling, ultra-rightwing white supremacist with the makings of a neoNazi, Elon Musk and his entourage of young tech swines.
Are they remaking America? No. Are they remaking US power? No. Are they remaking the broken US empire? No. Are they remaking Pax Americana? No. Are they remaking the US model of democracy? No. They're on the making of an American autocracy bender. Here's the problem. The world knows that US politics is corrupt. The world also knows that the American business-political nexus is hugely corrupt. And both are about to become even more corrupt. During Trump MK I, the bulk of American lives became more and more useless as Trump mostly ignored their socio-economic plight and paid most of his attention to enriching the American filthy rich. None of the American rednecks, those who had voted for him then and voted for him in 2024, are going to be in his benevolent sight. They will be ignored -- again. They're just Trump's pawns for what is his development of power of, by and for American plutocrats.
You are about to see -- I'm sticking my neck out here -- the making of power of Trumpian-American autocracy clotted on the glue of the gangsterism of old. The American Mafia. But this time the mafia is run by a band of racist, avaricious, filthy rich white men and women who have duped most other Americans. These are America's First Families. Nobody else matters. What kind of power do you call this?
It's definitely not state power in the traditional political sense of the term. How do you differentiate, for example, the power structures in Russia and China from Putin-ism and Xi-ism (Jinping), respectively? It's like another Singapore, another Malaysia, another Cambodia, another North Korea, another Vietnam, another Thailand, and -- funny that -- another Burma. Think of trade tarrifs as war-making and through this state-making. Only now you can't, as I said earlier, talk about the American state in the old parlance.
Trump will destroy America. Or America will self-destruct under its own long-time grand hubris, lies, deception, delusion and crude militancy forms.
The USa, and all other empires have profoundly negative impacts on the world. The Americanization of the world could be said to have caused the the Global climate emergency. Plastyics were not used in most third world countries but today they are the major pollution problem. America has been forcing it's so called democracy on the world, yet they have NEVER had a democracy., they have a Corporate Plutocracy. They have interfered over 3,000 times in other country's politics to the detriment of those countries. They have assassinated at least 30 world leaders. They have had a very negative impact on the world, not a positive one.
There is no question your comment is correct in the past the USA has wanted to be the big
brother. This uSA election is different. The goal being rid the country of illegals, like other nations do, and focus more on improving the vast problems facing USA citizens. Let's hope it works with a young, smart good team in place and the support of majority
This is a good thing for the world, a wake-up call. USA is no-one's friend or ally, it's plain to see. The restructuring of power that will ensue due to accelerated American decline can go ahead without having to pay obeisance to the destructive bully that has hindered progress (for its own enrichment) for the last century.
The USA is a fourth world (if that) nation pretending to be "civilised" (and it's never actually got to that state, but we've indulged in its little fantasy of white supremacist "exceptionalism" long enough).
Will be good for the world to stop taking the inducements and bribes from 'merkins that were only ever interested in selling arms (and drugs) to the rest of us, and gaining cheap oil and pliant markets.
A lot of nations won't be toeing the US-centric line any more since there's no reason to. When bullying and bluster is all you've got you know you've lost.
We'll just laugh at your Orange-utan 🤡 mob-boss while you go slithering down the pan, where you always belonged 💩🤣
Have you considered why the U.S. voters brought Trump to power? Could it be that the benefits of the American empire were not distributed evenly? Could it be that the effects of globalisation on the working class since the 90s have been largely negative? Not an exclusive list, of course. Michael Moore said it best in 2016. Trump is the human grenade against a system that has failed them.
I know of no carpet bombings in North Korea, Vietnam or Iraq.
Do you know the actual definition of “carpet bombing”?
Thanks, Mr. Bowring. There has been quite a bit of commentary lately on the of empire theses -- of US exceptionalism, of Pax Americana, of the US empire, of US decline. All fascinating, but all too early to postulate, I think. We'r yet to see if, as commenter (below) Pleiades says, a "restructuring of power". Not power in the narrow institutionalist sense but the raw power of US militarism. Because throughout its history, the US has been the crudest militarist state in the world since the Roman empire. The American empire thrived throughout the Cold War, emboldened by the rise then collapse of the old Soviet empire, and now the rise of Stalinist Putin-ism, and, though not quite emboldened -- more lost and confused than emboldened -- in what some have called the New Cold War vis-a-vis the rise of what I call yet another crude one-party militarist state in China. This is key: different actors, different reactions, if you have not noticed, from the weak Obama regime to Trump MK I, Joe Biden Jr and again Trump MK II.
If what we are witnessing now in the first two heady weeks of Trumpism MK II is any kind of restructuring of US militarist state power, I am lost. I just can't see it. And whilst I welcome the end of empire theses (because I hate empire-making with the same vehemence as I hate monarchies and organized religions as empire-making), I see in the US the rise and rise of what I prefer to call American thuggism or gangsterism nurtured by Trump; the wholly financially and morally bankrupt Trump family; the nutjobs of American tech businesses who lined up as Trump's shameless sycophants, who are in it for the money and state protection against their international competitors, viz. China; and possibly the most dangerous man in America -- the idiotic, narcissistic, grovelling, ultra-rightwing white supremacist with the makings of a neoNazi, Elon Musk and his entourage of young tech swines.
Are they remaking America? No. Are they remaking US power? No. Are they remaking the broken US empire? No. Are they remaking Pax Americana? No. Are they remaking the US model of democracy? No. They're on the making of an American autocracy bender. Here's the problem. The world knows that US politics is corrupt. The world also knows that the American business-political nexus is hugely corrupt. And both are about to become even more corrupt. During Trump MK I, the bulk of American lives became more and more useless as Trump mostly ignored their socio-economic plight and paid most of his attention to enriching the American filthy rich. None of the American rednecks, those who had voted for him then and voted for him in 2024, are going to be in his benevolent sight. They will be ignored -- again. They're just Trump's pawns for what is his development of power of, by and for American plutocrats.
You are about to see -- I'm sticking my neck out here -- the making of power of Trumpian-American autocracy clotted on the glue of the gangsterism of old. The American Mafia. But this time the mafia is run by a band of racist, avaricious, filthy rich white men and women who have duped most other Americans. These are America's First Families. Nobody else matters. What kind of power do you call this?
It's definitely not state power in the traditional political sense of the term. How do you differentiate, for example, the power structures in Russia and China from Putin-ism and Xi-ism (Jinping), respectively? It's like another Singapore, another Malaysia, another Cambodia, another North Korea, another Vietnam, another Thailand, and -- funny that -- another Burma. Think of trade tarrifs as war-making and through this state-making. Only now you can't, as I said earlier, talk about the American state in the old parlance.
Trump will destroy America. Or America will self-destruct under its own long-time grand hubris, lies, deception, delusion and crude militancy forms.
The USa, and all other empires have profoundly negative impacts on the world. The Americanization of the world could be said to have caused the the Global climate emergency. Plastyics were not used in most third world countries but today they are the major pollution problem. America has been forcing it's so called democracy on the world, yet they have NEVER had a democracy., they have a Corporate Plutocracy. They have interfered over 3,000 times in other country's politics to the detriment of those countries. They have assassinated at least 30 world leaders. They have had a very negative impact on the world, not a positive one.
There is no question your comment is correct in the past the USA has wanted to be the big
brother. This uSA election is different. The goal being rid the country of illegals, like other nations do, and focus more on improving the vast problems facing USA citizens. Let's hope it works with a young, smart good team in place and the support of majority
This is a good thing for the world, a wake-up call. USA is no-one's friend or ally, it's plain to see. The restructuring of power that will ensue due to accelerated American decline can go ahead without having to pay obeisance to the destructive bully that has hindered progress (for its own enrichment) for the last century.
The USA has been one of the most generous countries in the world That ending giving needs to stop until America fixes the home problems
The USA is a fourth world (if that) nation pretending to be "civilised" (and it's never actually got to that state, but we've indulged in its little fantasy of white supremacist "exceptionalism" long enough).
Will be good for the world to stop taking the inducements and bribes from 'merkins that were only ever interested in selling arms (and drugs) to the rest of us, and gaining cheap oil and pliant markets.
A lot of nations won't be toeing the US-centric line any more since there's no reason to. When bullying and bluster is all you've got you know you've lost.
We'll just laugh at your Orange-utan 🤡 mob-boss while you go slithering down the pan, where you always belonged 💩🤣
Good one.