To the extent that the Malaysian government is not objective in this exponential-ready AI era, and the incoming king is, and if the king uses his clout to make happen much better tradeoffs, to that extent the government has to yield to his sway.

The equity positions that the palace has on projects is for now best sensed as suzerainty. When contrasted with the cost to Malaysia of non-activity or of corruption going to untransparent parties -- remember UMNO is a member of the unity (coalition ) government.

There is a Nusantaran proverb: yang di ambik oleh semut dilihat, yang diambik oleh gajah tidak. Translation: that which is appropriated by ants is seen, that which is appropriated by the elephant is not.

The Sentinel should STOP such blindsidedness.

How is the Sentinel blind to so?

The Sentinel must connect the dots.

It is entitled to its own opinion but NOT to its own facts.

It is expected to know that #SpiceTradeAsia (aka Southeast Asia) was the richest and happiest inventive region in the world (Source: Marco Polo) for millenia. [1] Until its post-Parameswara fall beginning 1450s [2].

Why are we not continuing where we left off in our ascending gradient?

What are the root causes of us still not recovering from the fall closer to our totem position?

Why are we being distracted by petties?

[1] See Minute 20 of BBC Age of Exploration video: https://youtu.be/NuZujx-LMfg

[2] Sense salient sedgeway in: https://www.quora.com/Why-is-it-that-Bahasa-Indonesia-has-more-success-in-unifying-Indonesia-compared-to-the-Filipino-or-Tagalog-language-in-the-Philippines/answer/Bala-Pillai?ch=10&share=988302a3&srid=pzA

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Excellent. Very balanced.

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