You've got to hand it to the author: even when he doesn't mention them by name, he still finds a way to bash the Jews while ostensibly writing about Malaysia. The "horrors" the Palestinians have suffered were of their own making, and most rational observers know this.

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About bloody time. Inspite of Soros's millions the NED and Hillary Clinton and Obama's backing for Regime Change of a duly elected government, these 'Red Guards' who ushered Anwar into power with their lis and false claims against others, were stupid and vain enough to believe that by helping to illegally overthrow a government and replace it with one of 'their own', Malaysia would be their promised land of milk and honey served to them on a silver platter.

Serves these idiots right. They deserve to be shut up for good. They have nothing worthwhile to say and are a nuisance to all.

There's an idiot born every second somewhere it is said. I would add that from the evidence 99% of these can be found amongst the ranks of the anti government movements like Bersih, the G25, C4, the Churhes, open societies and the Malaysian Bar.

No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the Malaysian open society followers.

Anwar is the consumate politician and tactician. A chameleon, relentless, determined, unfailing in his objectives and able to muster the sheep like few others can. After all when he's hungry enough, a shepherd will slaughter his own sheep for a feast to survive.

Its time Malaysia regained its Malay Muslim credentials. Non Malays have survived and prospered fo generations, centuries because of that special character of Malay Islam and their tolerance and generosity towards others not Malay, not Muslim.

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