So sad that my country of birth is still a racist, apartheid state - in 2022! Yet it criticises Israel for its policies... such hypocrisy. There's no room for an 'ethnic' state in the modern world - or at least, there shouldn't be. Nor one based on religious beliefs, yet still they exist in India, Pakistan, Iran etc etc - in what we laughingly think of as a civilised and forward looking era.

We're still basically in the stone age when it comes to race and religion. Neither of those things should be part of any decent progressive polity.

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they are not racists, they are just nationalists....they re defending their country identity from being challenge by the chinese. Msia is a Malay country. they wouldnt want to change that, that s why they fought Malayan Union......SO if the chinese still persistence to make it otherwise, the chinese will only be seen as some kind of colonizer or imperialist in tandem with the rise of China.

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