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The unrest in Bangladesh is part of a wider strategy of destabilising the sub continent, especially the Indian republic.

The instability is run by Pakistani intelligence (of which Banglaesh was once a part of) funded by China that seeks to neutralize India's ability to defend itself from Chinese aggression via a Bangladesh friendly to India.

India helped liberate Bangladesh (then East Pakistan) from a genocidal Pakistan in 1971. The US which has also embedded itself in Pakistan's favour in destabilizing the subcomtinent especially and of course Bangladesh continues to led the Pakistanis a hand wherever possible.

These elements of discontinent in Bangladesh are supporters of Pakistan and Islamic fundamentalist groups. They would prefer that Bangladeshis forget their recent history and what Pakistan did to them prior to their liberation in 1971.

Descendants of the Bangladeshi struggle of course are entitled to special consideration and quotas just as US servicemen enjou when they leavee the army. Take Trump's running mate for instance.

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