This article is full of rants and dishonesty. out of the $344m claimed to have been provided by FEMA, not including federal money. only $134m was assigned to republican areas despite them being 66% of the disaster zones. the rest was provided to the Democrat areas. Federal money has gone at a rate of approximately 80% to Democrat areas. These are the stats provided by FEMA themselves.

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Mr Berthelsen : I have enjoyed your books on Burma and south east asia in the past . It is therefore a great shame to see that you have joined the ranks of those American propagandists at NYT , WaPo , CNN , etc in supporting openly the continuation of one of the most damaging socialist regimes your country has ever seen . Supporting the Canadian-born Democrat candidate , who obviously has all the mental acuity of the current President , but none of the geopolitical experience , would be to condemn the United States to another term of international abuse , debt-laden economic decline and cultural division , policies first inflicted on the country by POTUS 44 starting 16 years ago .

You are obviously happy with the prospect of the “Californication” of the rest of America : that is a great disappointment. Let us hope , for America’s sake , you are completely wrong .

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I am truly disappointed at this divisive political diatribe of John Berthelsen in this article. I have looked to Asia Sentinel as an unbiased source of information where I can learn truly what is happening in countries that are important to me, but his blatantly biased article calls into question the objectivity of any article I have ever read in Asia Sentinel.

I can no longer trust a word that is published by this organization, and do not read this publication to be propagandized and influenced, I read it to become aware and informed.

Mr. Berthelsen, you have either done serious damage to Asia Sentinel reputation, or simply exposed its agenda for what it really is.

I am truly disappointed, I looked forward to receiving Asia Sentinel's articles, but cannot trust this publication anymore.


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Good riddance to Trumptards everywhere 🤡💩🤣

Go back to your right trash conspiracy nut echo chamber full of flat earthers and anti-vaxxers. You won't be missed by decent, sensible, sane people 👌🏾

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Do you consider yourself decent, sane and sensible? I don't see any of those qualities in your posts.

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A fairly typical left wing rant by a hack who is too insignificant to be considered notorious. At least he didn't find an excuse to blame the Jews for anything this time. I suppose that's progress.

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Trump is not simply Donald J Trump. Trump is the manifestation of the state of affairs in the US today. The difference between Donald Trump and his predecessors and those who seek to challenge him for the office of president is that he is openly crude, threatening, malevolent and bigoted. Unlike all the others, bar none of US presidents and their vices he is 'bare metal' And that irks and embarrasses most whites, especially middle class Americans. Trump is the boy who cried and contionues to cry "the king is naked. He has no new clothes on".

The US has no alternatives to Trump. The gloves have come off, the veneer has peeled and what you see is the real USA in Donald J. Trump.

He is the convergence of all frustrations, anger, desires ambitions and aspirations of the majority in the USA. He is also a reflection of whats always been wrong with the USA which no one has been prepared to openly speak about without the risk of a bullet to the head. (King, Kennedy and others).

A nation of the hidden, huddled poor, of the marginalized masses, those ravaged by drugs and alcohol in their tens of millions, the unemployed, the unemployable and the oppressed which is the majority of the US's otherwisse employable class.

The US needs to implode or get worse in other ways before it can get any better. There is no alternative to the US and its style of government than a total collapse first then a ressurection.

There are no real republicans or democrats anymore. Darth Vader (Dick Cheney) gobbled up most of the US$9 billion that was to go to the floods and destruction that followed Katrina in Louisianna. Democrat and Republican is merely a ticket you buy to legitimise your entry to the White House. Like Kissinger, The Bush family, Cheney, Albright and of course the Clintons. Same rogues different hats.

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Something definitely has to change in America, and most western countries. Roughly half of the people are left wing and the other half agree with the right wingers. The two sides are incompatible. They cannot share the same space and resources. Sooner or later, this conflict will lead to war.

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Excellent article. Obviously most of the world (the sane, empathetic and intelligent part of it, that is) will agree to all you said. It's just a pity that ignorant low-life have just as many voting rights as decent people. That's the true disappointment and shame of "democracy"... We need IQ tests at the very least before allowing morons to vote - they've always voted against their best interests anyhow, so in fact they'd be better off...

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You don't get to decide who is sane, empathetic and intelligent. Nor do you have much say in who is decent. It would be much more accurate - and honest - if you were to write something like "those who are left wing will agree with you".

Are you capable of accuracy and honesty?

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