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Trump’s plan for Palestinians and their ancient homeland Palestine shows only his white (or is it orange?) supremacist arrogance, ignorance, indifference and rank stupidity. Just about everything he has said in the past just reeks of his inherent rich man idiocy.

You are right about Jordan and Egypt being easily pliable to Trump’s insidious power player over this issue. They are two of the weakest states in the Middle East given they are dependence on American financial largesse just to keep their heads above water. But they are in fact forever drowning in US debt, not grace. Because the US under Trump — as under recent US presidents since arguably Barack Obama. They will easily succumb unless Jordanians and Egyptians rise against their despotic leaders.

I feel the same way about the other Arab states, especially Saudi Arabia under the unsavory despot and brutal dictator Muhammad bin Salman. Just as the US goes to Riyadh and other OPEC states to beg for low oil prices that will badly wound the American economy, so Salman goes to DC begging for US arms and bases. It’s keeness to forge diplomatic relations with Israel is betrayal of Palestinian people and support for murderous Zionist extremists who control the Netanyahu regime, and who are corrupt repugnant Netanyahu’s puppet-masters.

But NATO states will never be able to “inspire” vehement global condemnation against the Trump plan they have not in the past, mostly because maintaining a cordial TransAtlantic Alliance for the sake of access to the US market for their exports and idependence on US technologies, capital and US security protection. Besides, western European economies are in serious structural decline. Europe is persistently weak at the knees.

The chalkenge needs to come firectly from all decent-minded people sick and tired of the US’s rank hypocrisy, overt racism and xenophobia, and imperialism. Is bullying antics are not different from China’s or Russia’s. And it must come from all Muslims everywhere. When the likes of Saudi Arabia’s MBS and his cabsl of rent-seekers sell out to Trump so hideously shamelessly, displaying their inherent immorality, ordinary Muslims must take the lead and condemn Trump for what he is — dumb white corrupt criminal and first-rate twat.

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