If this sounds familiar, it's because asiasentinel.com's very own left-wing-loon-in-residence keeps writing the same nonsense month after month. Why not just say you hate America, you hate Israel and you hate the West in general and be done with it. Think of all the time you could save if you just just published "Death to America! Death to Israel! Kill whitey!" every Wednesday because that's all your writing really amounts to.

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Whereas you are a bona fide right-wing nutjob. People who hate America and Israel do so for very good reasons, which you and your ignorant ilk never address. There won't be peace in the Middle East as long as the USA remains Israel's supine bitch.

But of course you'll never blame Zionists or yourselves for the coming conflagration, that you (and the British) initiated - and what have you actually achieved so far in any case? Nothing worth having that's for sure....

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The author of the article I reviewed has an extensive body of work that is consistent in its style and orientation - and also in its woefully erroneous grasp of reality. I have pointed this out more than once in my comments on the author's articles.

I have not shared my writing with you, so you have based your opinions on my criticism of the author. I suppose from the perspective of (yet another) left wing extremist, just about anyone who disagrees with them is right wing. If so, I suppose that changes the definition of right wing considerably. To people like yourself, those who point out your errors and falsehoods should be condemned as nutjobs. Whatever.

For what it's worth, you are hopelessly wrong in implying I'm American, but you don't come across as very perceptive.

For what it's worth, there will never be any peace in the Middle East as long as Islam is the dominant ideology there. Islam is the problem. Israel is simply the excuse the Muslims are using, just as the socialists are bashing America because it's capitalist. When you get right down to it, Islam and socialism in all its forms (including the Nazis) are the root cause of nearly all the evil in the world.

You and Mr. Bethelsen are part of the problem, not the solution.

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We do not normally reply to readers' comments as long as they do not veer into invective. We believe in giving our readers the chance for the widest personal expression of heir views. But I thought I would issue personal thanks to Mr McGarry for identifying me as a left-wing loon. it will go a long way in giving me cover with the people who have consistently identified me as a tool of the Pentagon. Although I would prefer that he get my name right.

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If you're going to criticise other people's spelling, it helps if you have your own house in order first. As for being a tool of the Pentagon, that doesn't necessarily preclude you from being a left wing loon. Mark Milley and "Rachel" Levine, among others, have ensured you should fit right in.

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Oh. I think I understand now.

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