And where is Uncle Sam in all this? Its always caterwauling about press freedom.

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Nowhere to be seen or heard. To be fair, press freedom sentiments have been increasingly on the march in reverse everywhere in the West.

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Sad indeed but not for Hong Kong or for China. Its sad for the Wall Street Journal. Its eroding status as an authoritative newspaper turned into a sensationalist rag under Murdoch. All this especially after the embarrassment penned by 2 Wall Street 'Journalists' paid for by the NED and Regime Change (funded by amongst others George Soros's open societies foundation). As the truth about the allegations against Najib Razak, Malaysia's former prime minister - which sadly landed him in jail-begin to unfold, Asia begins to bite back.

The Wall Street Journal and the Economist, CNN and the BBC will join the great exodus of the "free media" free to defame all and sundry from the sanctity of Singapore, their wings clipped.

The BJP has targeted the Economist, CNN and the BBC along with the Wall Street Journal as hostile news outlets who will feel the wrath of the Indian public.

China will exercises its own sovereign power over these political hacks parading as purveyors of the truth and free speech (when it suits their own causes).

Good riddance. China existed and prospered before the US was settled and long before the WSJ, the BBC, the Economist or CNN came into existence.

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Reading your comment, I can't make up my mind if you're of the "a plague on all their houses" mentality (and by "they" I mean inclusive of China and its own media propaganda outlets like SCMP or Global Times), or if you're just out-and-out pro-CCP and taking their soundbites verbatim.

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He's a Hindutva *and* CCP troll, pretty hard act to maintain, so kudos to him for that fine balancing act LMAO

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WSJ in 2024 isn't WSJ in the 1990s.

For one thing, WSJ in 2024 is owned by Rupert Murdoch as part of his News Corp. Murdoch is known to have close ties and glowing praise for Singapore and its ruling PAP government, something which drew criticism from a certain Chee Soon Juan in a Guardian op-ed published in July 2011.


This is the same Chee Soon Juan for whom simply giving voice and presence to him earned opprobrium and lawfare attacks from the Singaporean Government and its ruling Lee Family against FEER and WSJ Asia. Something which also has been covered in the past by John Berthelsen here and also Reports Without Frontiers.


So no surprises there why WSJ would relocate to SG now from HK. Highly unlikely anybody left in WSJ today remembers the events of close to 2 decades or more in the past. One has a feeling that had Murdoch been in charge at WSJ in the 1990s, it wouldn't have been the SG government clamping down and openly persecuting WSJ Asia, FEER, Philip Bowring, and John Berthelsen, but Murdoch himself pulling the trigger.

P.S. it's "Killing The Chicken to Scare the Monkeys". I should know. I was the chicken.

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Oops thanks. Change made -- Ed.

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Singapore is a FINE city! Proud citizen here!

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Keep living in your delusional bubble and pretend everything's fine then LOL 😂

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It was a pun. Sorry that you didn’t get it.

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May 14·edited May 14

I got the pun! 😬

Highly logical.

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Chewing gums are banned here. Imagine that!!

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