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Ukraine must learn, all over again, about living in peace with Russia. It can no longer engage in proxy war for NATO.

Borders, under international law, must be defensible. Otherwise, the international community would be helpless.

Ukraine, east of the great Dnieper, has no defensible border. Russia sees eastern Ukraine as buffer zone with NATO. Ukraine can join EU but not NATO. Ukrainian will lose the country if they join NATO.

Nothing changes in America, no matter who comes and goes, in Washington.

There are no choices except the one between the lesser evil and greater evil.

Washington, where the right side does not know what the left side was doing, supports NGO, Opposition and independent media worldwide while doing business with the government of the day.

The nation, researching everything to death, has battle plans years ahead. These battle plans, each worked out by one General, are based on scenario-building driven by paranoia. The media gets leaks on these battle plans.

Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange said in YouTube video that all the wars in the last 50 years were caused by great media lies.

This may not be the whole story.

Washington, under the global security framework, stokes latent hatreds everywhere, especially in the Middle East, the former USSR, in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Xinjiang, among other places, for embedded intelligence gathering.

The US has ringside view on trouble spots everywhere.

America, having 800 bases worldwide paid by host nations, can fight multiple proxy battles in cahoots with the US Military Industrial Academic Complex. Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan -- all conventional warfare against mostly guerrilla forces -- were exceptions.

America cannot win if faced with guerrilla warfare.

It abruptly withdraws, before losing, if bogged down in conventional or guerrilla warfare. It starts a new war elsewhere.

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