Good for China and the rest of the world. The world s policeman today ( so called) , the beacon of human rights, the democracy locomotive, the hammer for rule of law , the forerunner for development, good governance and peace is now exposed as a war criminal supporter, a peacemaker who is the biggest weapons salesman and uses the western monetary system for its own economic , political and military purposes - its demise comes like Rine, the British empire etc etc etc …
Good for China and the rest of the world. The world s policeman today ( so called) , the beacon of human rights, the democracy locomotive, the hammer for rule of law , the forerunner for development, good governance and peace is now exposed as a war criminal supporter, a peacemaker who is the biggest weapons salesman and uses the western monetary system for its own economic , political and military purposes - its demise comes like Rine, the British empire etc etc etc …